Working Principle Fan aspirates air into combustion room through shutters and forms a controlled mixture with the gas coming from installation. This mixture is burned by the burner. The heat formed advances along combusTİon room with the help of burner fan and upper aspirating fan and passes through transiTİon channel and is transmitted to air channels of product chamber. Thereby heat is transferred to product and some of heated air is extracted in a controlled manner and remaining heated air enters the system again and is mixed with the atmosphere air received from cooling shutters. Air is irculated along the system in order to reduce its humidity (saturation). Humidity of the product within this loop is reduced to desired humidity ratio and then product asses from unloading mechanism to hopper and exits the system. Grain which is equal to the amount of product leaving the system is added to system with the help of sensors. It is prevented that heat goes toflow pipe through transition connection by means of this adding process. 1.) It has galvanized and thoroughly fixed strong base structure.
General Specifacition
1.) It has galvanized and thoroughly fixed strong base structure.
2.) It allow to work easily under different products and product conditions thanks to grain intake system.
3.) Interior roof and supports ensure that humidifiedgrain passes through chamber as granulated.
4.) Turbulent air circulation is avoided thanks to low static pressure and homogenous heat dissipation.
5.) In emergency situations, machine's burning system is closed thanks to heat sensors.
6.) Temperature values is increased to maximum value from nominal by means of air mixer.
7.) Burners keep temperatures needed fixed continuously.
8.) Burner system consists of Elster Krom Schröder or Dungs brand high-safe devices.
9.) Burner system is worked by using fuels like LPG, LNG (in gas phase) and NG
10.) Grain within chambers is kept under control with emergency unloading covers.
11.) Grain storing chamber is automatic controlled and it controls feeder elevator and provides electric saving.
12.) It keeps the product within chamber without loss thanks to unloading which is made invariable by pneumatic system and desired unloading time is adjusted by means of timing mechanism.
13.) It is ensured that fans are protected from external conditions with the fan shutters fixed by
pneumatic system.
14.) High capacity fans are covered by metal sheets, black sheets and coated with static paint and burners are covered with stainless and galvanized metal sheets. Doors and covers opened into these
sections allow easy intervention.
15.) Heat loss is reduced to minimum thanks to external heat-insulation.
16.) Whole heat flow, air flow and temperature values within the system are reached and adjusted
with the Siemens control panels (PLC).


With the joint work of design and engineering departments, the Total Solution Platform offers a long-term strategic partnership, out of the customer production process.
With the joint work of design and engineering departments, the Total Solution Platform offers a long-term strategic partnership, out of the customer production process.
With the joint work of design and engineering departments, the Total Solution Platform offers a long-term strategic partnership, out of the customer production process.